Sophie Berenika Broch (b. 1990, Oslo) is a Norwegian ceramic artist based in Tromsø. Recognizable for her work is variations and deconstructions of enlarged moose teeth produced using 3D-printing and casting techniques. Her works embody a diversity of textures, shapes and colours inspired by lost and weathered objects she has gathered throughout her life; curiosities which act as a point of reference. Based on the objects and what nature's processes shows her, she digs and searches for her own nature in the clay.
Her art practice has since graduating in 2018 been thematising environmental issues, in her local environment and in the world. Currently she is looking deeper into how to make her art practice more environmental friendly, with looking at how to change out materials she is getting sent from a far with local resources found in the local Arctic region.
project leader, Tromsø Open 2023, Tromsø
project leader, Grønt kunstforum
junior curator, Strandtorget - Mandela, Tromsø kommune
board member, The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts : North Norway

The continuous dialogue in which the clay invites, is something I actively use
in the creative process.
I add, remove, push and stroke the clay until I achieve an expression that appeals to me.
The expression is guided by the dialogue between the clay,
my hands and mind during the creation process.
My mind has its preferences which seeks its impression in the clay. The preferences are the surfaces, structures and colors of objects where natural weathering processes have left their marks. The surfaces, tints and shades that these processes generate over time, are expressions I yearn for and have been attracted to for a long time.
Thus, by observational transformation and persistent processing of the clay’s materiality, shapes with expressions that engages me emerge and speak to me:
«I have the right of life».
2015-2018 BFA in medium and material based art, ceramics, National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
2016-2017 1 semester abroad, studying art at Akademia Sztuk Pieknych we Wroclawiu, Wroclaw, Poland
2013-2014 1 year abroad, studying art at San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA
2010-2014 4-year teacher education program, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
juried exhibitions
2023 In-Between, Young Arctic Artist 2023, Gallery Napa, Rovaniemi, Finland
2023 Supermarket Art Fair, represented by Small Projects, Stockholm
2021 Nordnorsken 2021, Bodø - Svolvær - Mosjøen - Harstad - Vadsø, Norway
2020 Juleutstillingen 2020, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
2019 NÅ ER DET JUL IGJEN, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
2018 Sommerutstilling 2018, Soon Seilforening, Son, Norway
2014 Juvenarte 2014 REMIGRATION, TM51, Oslo, Norway
selected group exhibitions
2023 Juleutstilling #2, Small Projects, Tromsø
2022 Frie hender, Pikene på broen, Kirkenes, Norway
2020 Nord og Never, Galleri Nord-Norge, Harstad, Norway
2020 Komprimert, Small Projects, Tromsø, Norway
2020 Tromsø Open Art Shop, Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø, Norway
2018 Graduate show 2018, BFA in medium- and material based art, KHiO, Oslo, Norway
2018 I never saw a crack I didn’t like, Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway
2017 Open Call Vo. 03, Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway
2017 Wood firing with Torbjørn Kvasbøe, Cabinet gallery, KHiO, Oslo, Norway
2017 Erasmus eXhibition 2017, ASP we Wrocławiu, Poland
2015 Open Call 2015, Galleri Seilduken, Oslo, Norway
2024 Diversestipend fra Statens kunstnerstipend, Kulturdirektoratet
2023 Utviklings- og formidlingstilskudd fra BKH v/Grønt kunstforum
2022 Artist assistant, Arts and Culture Norway, 1 Year
2021 Reisestøtte 2021, Norske Kunsthåndverkere
2021 Hjemmeresidens 2021, Sparebank1 Nord-Norge
2020 Tilskudd 2020, Tromsø kommune
2020 Talentstipendet 2020, Sparebankstiftelsen Sparebank1 Nord-Norge
2019 Støtte til kunstnerdrevne salgs- og visningssteder av kunsthåndverk, The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts
2019 Miscellaneous grant for recently graduated artists, Government Grants for Artists
The North-Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (NKNN)
2022-2024 Board member, NKNN
2021-2022 Deputy board member, NKNN
Jugendstilsenteret og KUBE, Ålesund, Norway
Nordnorsk kunstnersenter, Svolvær, Lofoten, Norway
Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway